Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Snow Grump

Oh hey, look ... more snow. Just what I always wanted >:[

When even Ms. Corra isn't that interested in the snow any more you know it's bad.

The other day I had taken the pups out behind the snow banks to a spot they have been happily digging up with their faces due to some rodent possibly living around there. As I was watching Corra walk by, I saw what looked like her tail dragging under the snow like some sleek seal. I realized that wasn't possible seeing as her tail was high in the air ... Sure enough, both dogs started frantically digging and huffing under the snow. Apparently tantalized by the black snow shark (this is what I was imagining ... and that it would start nibbling my boots under the snow). After digging down to dirt, both dogs had their bums in the air and their faces to the ground when the dazed snow shark emerged behind them. And then drunkenly started slowly trodding along towards the woods. Neither dogs noticed, their hunting instincts too focused on the ground in front of them. I finally got Corra's attention and she turned around and her eyes got HUGE. Her excitement roused Loki, and he started making some weird noises ... which prompted the snow shark to decide it had best put some effort into getting away from these hell hounds. So it started jogging instead -_- I had both dogs on their leashes, or else that shark would have had it. Okay, so it wasn't a snow shark (though I bet those exist). It was a common vole and I suppose it was understandable that it was dazed and confused by all that commotion. It was free to go on its way and terrorize someone else's boots another day.

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