Busy Bee

Hi Tom

Wow what a lovely day. The sun was shining and we had temperatures of 12 degrees...apparently it's not going to last but was nice for the time we had it.

Well it put the wind in my sails and I have been giving the house a good spring clean. I still have loads to do. I took 5 bags of clothes to the charity shop. I've got quite a lot more to take as well.

I went out in the garden to take some photos. That's when I heard this bee buzzing around. Even he was enjoying the sunshine. Hopefully it's a sign that spring is well and truly on its way.

The dogs came out with me and did the disappearing act again. This poor lad found them and he was really worried about them. He followed them back and checked they belonged to me. Nice boy. He even had a lead that I think he was going to try and put them on. Goodness knows where they would have ended up. Luckily they are chipped.

Had a nice time last night. When we got there it wasn't the Rihanna singer it was more like a Sinatra singer! He was ok though. Food was really lovely....so all was good :) x

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