Go Get 'em!

See their breath in large.

There's something for everyone at the AOG... I covered the winter track and field events today. Here we have a young athlete getting a pep-talk from his coach after placing third in the qualifying rounds of the 100 meter dash lumber. It seems that young Billy Buffalo started to fall apart after a disappointing trial. The pressure to perform at the Olympics can be so stressful...

I could just make out what Coach was saying, "Get back out there and show 'em what you've got Sport. You were born for this event! It may be C-C-Cold and the snow is plenty deep, but you've gotta look at that as an advantage son... Those Rhinos and Hippos aren't used to these conditions and you've been training in much worse. So calm down, take a deep breath and lumber like you mean it! I see gold in your future Sport!"

It seems that Coach said the magic words and Billy tore up the track in the final round. It was an exciting finish as they plodded across the finish line! It all happened so slow fast, I didn't get a shot... :( I'd better step up my game, or I could be out of a job pretty soon...

This has been BetsysPics, reporting on the last week of the Alternative Olympic Games, signing off.


Hubs says "thank you" for all of the birthday wishes. He didn't take the day off completely, but I did get him to leave the snow alone for the day. :) I ended up trying to tackle some of it... Holy Cow, that stuff that came off the roof is heavy! It's like moving frozen (together) boulders. :-/ And the mounds are taller than I am... Not a pretty sight!

I'm a getting terribly behind on commenting. My apologies; life does have a way of getting in the way... I will pick up the pace shortly.

Almost the weekend!!! :)

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