
By OldTimer

Awesome Monarch

Whew it is 10.30 pm and I am just getting a blip done and it is the best of a bad bunch. Too late to look for something else.
My day has been full. Editing last Saturdays wedding photos then off to the Dentist, then a visit from the new bride and now am just back from proof reading the church newsletter.
Went around to a neighbours this morning as she said the Monarchs were flying everywhere and they were.
Her Swan plant is just laden with grubs and chrysalis and three flying madly in the heat of the morning and I mean heat we have had a scorcher of a day.
There were also a couple of Copper Kettle butterflies but with the warmth they were all going at such a pace it was hard to be in the right spot when they decided to rest for a moment.
Howsoever a blip is better than no blip.

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