Life in Newburgh on Ythan

By Talpa

You shall not pass!

Today I ventured a few miles down the beach, along the dune system to Trump-land. Somehow, who knows how, The Donald got planning permission to convert the local dunes, a Site of Special Scientific Interest, into a golf course.

The dune system is of great scientific interest in that it is highly mobile with the sand gradually moving northwards along the coast. The Donald is now fighting a bitter battle to prevent the moving sand from blowing onto his verdant greens by attempting to consolidate the dunes with marram grass and by employing such high-tech solutions as erecting fences made from old pallets. I doubt very much that he will win the battle.

Meanwhile, a piece of suspect ordnance had turned up on the beach and an area was cordoned off by the Police, to await the arrival of the bomb-disposal people. Too much excitement for one day!

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