
By Astro74

Did I Do That?

A friend and I headed out early on Wednesday for the Ramona Grassland Preserve. We were hoping to see some migrating Golden Eagles. With the drought there may not be enough food for the Golden Eagles to stay long or we may not have been lucky enough to see them.

We did have a good time and saw a nice variety of birds including lots of Mountain Bluebirds and Yellow-rumped Warblers; Nuttall's and Acorn Woodpeckers, Northern Flicker; Tricolored Blackbirds, Red-tail Hawks, Kestrels, and probable Cooper's Hawk; a couple of new birds for my list -- Lark Sparrow and Rock Wren.

We stopped for a long lunch in Ramona. We reviewed pictures along with a birding guide to identify some of the birds.

On our way home we stopped at Safari Park to look primarily at their bird collection. When I got home and downloaded the photos for the day, this photo made me laugh. I love the expression and what looks like a big grin and a sparkle in the eye.

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