
By Marlytyz

Ha ha it's the way you tell them.

What other self-respecting border collie would sit in such an undignified way in order to share an early morning joke with his young human friend? But we are not really fooled. The world is split in Flash's mind between those he knows and loves passionately, and strangers who he feels are deeply suspect.
This hasn't really been a problem before as most of the people who visit us regularly are in the in-crowd and, if not, Flash is banished to the basement. However, there has been a slight upset in that youngest son and his girlfriend of 7 years split recently. She, of course, was adored by Flash but we now have the problem of getting him used to the replacement who is visiting this weekend. Youngest son is very tense as he doesn't want his dog to ruin what could be a beautiful relationship by seeing her off. Delicate negotiations are needed.

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