T is for Tino

Bright and sunny for most of the day but windy and cold. Took Tino for a little walk but he wasn't keen - think it might have been the wind which upset him. Didn't stay out long as it was too cold for me.

Just had a day at home today. Just me and the kitties. Neil has been at work and finished at 5pm. He was then going to play snooker and afterwards to the pub to watch the rugby.

Forum Challenge - letter T.... well I took the easy option and blipped my lovely boy Tino. He is a brown spotted Bengal who will be 3 years old next month. I can safely say he is hard work. Both he and Lily are like no other cats I have ever owned. They are vocal, full of energy, boisterous and inquisitive. Tino is especially noisy - he howls, growls and talks all the time. However he never purrs.

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