Living in Brabant

By AilsaR

Orange and green

It seems like a long time since I went out at night with my camera; a combination of being busy alternated with rain kept me away.

Tonight was lovely, crisp and clear.
The preparations for Carnaval next weekend are commencing.

I was standing by this fountain when a man walked past, he started talking to me (ah, I've missed that), asked me what I was photographing (the water which incidentally is in local Carnaval colours - orange and green).

He proceeded to tell me that consist of 70% water , and that it was important for our survival.
He then went on to say that 'perhaps he shouldn't say this to a woman, but oh well... fishes piss, poo and have sex in water, was it so healthy after all?'

With that, he went on his way, in the direction of the pubs, and the Carnaval preparations.
I've missed these evening words of wisdom!

Have a good weekend!

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