Crazy Overstuffed Life

By Allison

Homebound Train

It was a long and mixed-up sort of day. Still doing battle with migraines which attacked with ferocity twice today but (knock wood) I seem to have beaten them back this evening. I spent the middle part of the day judging a moot court competition (where law students take on an appeal argument and compete for best arguing it). Judging the moot, which is on a constitutional problem, is something I love to do and makes me feel stimulated and energized. I also get a chance to see some of the great people I have worked with over the years and it is a nice reunion as such.

As for the photo, this is the CN Tower from platform 25 at Union Station. All red tonight perhaps as a show of national pride which Canada has been bursting with given the impressive performances of our Olympic athletes on and off the ice and snow of Sochi.

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