'Light the Dark' Vigil

Tonight Lorraine and I attended a candlelit vigil at Town Hall Square in the city. It was one of 750 vigils around the country for asylum seekers and focused on the death of Reza Berati who, at just 23 years old, was brutally killed on Manus Island last week, whilst in Australia's care. It was estimated that close to 10,000 attended this vigil. I have attended a number of protest rallies but this, more than any other, had a deep sense that those gathered were prepared to see this through until we treat those who seek asylum with the dignity that all human beings deserve. I expect this won't be the last such gathering.

For those outside of Australia I would point out that we have a small number of people who seek asylum in our large country but both major political party have used these desperate people for political advantage and both have adopted morally bankrupt attitudes towards them. One previous conservative Prime Minister is so disgusted with the attitude of his former party, who are currently in power, that he has resigned from it.

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