My other hobby

I have kept Tropical fish for over 40 years,besides my outdoor Koi.
There is something quite calming about fish swimming in a tank or pond.More so a pond because of the sound of the running water? Especially in the Summer months when accompanied by a cold pint.
These are Amazon Chromo Ciclids Which are kept company by what are commonly known as 'Silver Dollars'.But I believe the correct name is 'Metynnis argenteus' also an Amazonian fish. Which happen to be a member of the Piranha family but fortunately totally vegetarian. They must be because I still have all my fingers and the plants in the tank have been devastated! lol
Anyway it's something different to look at?
I used my D3 with the Sigma 105 mm Macro lens,DOF was very shallow as I didn't want to use flash? So we have a sky high ISO!

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