
By hannahxdowning


I just love these flowers, so simple yet elegant.

Made pancakes for breakfast then J and I went to the Chislehurst Caves not far from my house. I've visited them a few times but not for many years, and J had never been. Created by the Druids, Romans and Saxons, there are 22 miles worth of passages carved into chalk and flint. Used in the second world war as London's largest air raid shelter, some people lived down there for five years! The guide takes you on an hour long tour with lanterns as the only source of light. Near a sacrificial alter, he then takes all the lanterns away from you and walks round the corner so that you can't even see a finger in front of your face. You could easily get lost down there and it's not the type of place you would want to be on your own. But from the 50's to 80's there was a challenge to spend the night on your own. Only one person made it and he said he would never do it again, not even for the highest price.

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