Sunday Afternoon Nap

A Tabbycat's Sunday afternoon nap . . .

Step 1. "Help" the Mama organize her jewelry on the bed. Walk through EVERYthing! Snorfle all the good stuff. Shed cat hair on all of it. Mix up the earrings. Cause chaos. Hooray!

Look at me. I'm helping! Helping! Helping!

Step 2. Suddenly, spy the golden sunbeam coming through the window. Give it a loving look. A slow blink.

I love you, sunbeam!

Step 3. Head for the favorite chair, the wooden one with the pink polar bear blankie.

Who says pink's not for boys? I rock this pink polar bear blankie!

Step 4. LEAP onto the chair! Turn around twice.

Ah, that feels good! Chair, I love you too!

Step 5. Commence bathing. Pay special attention to the white paws and pinkee toepads.

Lick-lick-lick. Neb-neb-neb. Lick-lick-lick. Sigh.

Step 6. Give the Mama one last long, slow blink before closing the eyes.

Oh, Mama, I love you, but I'm sleepy now. Going to Dreamland, be back later.

Step 7. ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


The soundtrack: Cat Stevens, I'm So Sleepy.

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