Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Flooded fields

All the rain over the last few days has been falling on saturated ground so lots and lots of flooded fields around. The River Eden in Carlisle has burst its banks in places and earlier when I was driving over it on the motorway it was like a huge lake and impossible to see where the actual river was. I've clocked up a good few miles today, over 150 and had a few flooded roads to drive through, just turning back from one flood which looked a bit too deep for me to take a chance.

Update on my shoulder - its really so much better today, woo hoo. Still painful changing gear but nowhere near as bad as yesterday and I've not taken any painkillers today as didn't think they were doing anything anyway. So really pleased about that.

These flooded fields are a few miles from where I live which always seem to flood after a lot of rain. I so nearly posted this one of Misty playing with a friend instead

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