Pad, Pad

I always remember your beautiful flowers
And the beautiful kimono you wore
When you sat on the couch
With that tigerish crouch
And told me you loved me no more.

What I cannot remember is how I felt when you were unkind
All I know is, if you were unkind now I should not mind.
Ah me, the power to feel exaggerated, angry and sad
The years have taken from me. Softly I go now, pad pad.

Stevie Smith

Naughty Jazzy dog has jumped up at the patio door and there's a near perfect paw print. I love holding pads with her. The bokeh is cherry blossom, which is very Japanese. It made me think of Stevie Smith's poem. I hope the years haven't taken the power from me to feel exaggerated, angry and sad. I'm not 'going gentle into that good night.'

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