
By Delamanda

So how do these three things fit together? I finally took possession of Pimlico today and so the pic of the day had to somehow show this (the keys). But I am on a mission to populate the OED word of the day for a whole year and so nukespeak also had to feature. Nukespeak – as well as being the title of an excellent book by Paul Chilton (and I must admit, I thought he coined the word, but apparently not) – is ‘Euphemistic language used to allay public fear or suspicion of nuclear technology or nuclear war’ (OED). Well, as luck would have it, I was with Leanne today and over celebratory coffee and cake, we resurrected the idea that we hatched in Dnipropetrovsk last November of a visit to Chernobyl later in the year, where nukespeak still abounds. And to square the circle, Leanne is holding the keys to Pimlico. Got there in the end – albeit somewhat circuitously. And BTW – it wasn’t all cakes and coffee, there was also a lot of cleaning going on! Thank you!! xx

Day #55 of a 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by the OED word of the day.

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