stephanie leigh

By stephanieleigh

My nephew

First of all, I'm back on blip! I finally got a real camera and have decided to really give blipping a go in order to learn how to use this small piece of well as try and be somewhat as inspirational as my mom over here at Senior Moments.

I spent the weekend at home. It's always nice to sleep in your parents house. It's warm, it's clean...and you are surrounded by your favorite people. My sister was able to come over with my nephew Jake quite a bit.

And I loved every second.

He is probably the cutest little boy in the world...and I'm not just saying that because I'm his Ti Ti. It's because it's the truth. I feel like this was the first time that I really felt like an auntie. He finally warmed up to me and by the end of the weekend...we were what I've been dreaming to be. Best buds.

I had such a lovely weekend with my loved ones. You are all so special to me. And thanks, Jake for being a beautiful subject. Your sweet face gives me so much happiness and joy.

Ti Ti loves you.

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