
By Carscribe

Long dog

It is pointless telling our dog Bentley that is this not the normal way a canine should lie. He's a Pointer, and he loves to stretch out with his front legs forward and his rear legs extended backwards. He's quite a tall, leggy dog, and lying like this he is six feet long. That's quite a space-consuming obstacle to step around on the sitting room carpet!

Like any of his breed he has a very keen nose. Last winter, while on a night walk after a brief snowstorm, he suddenly shot away into the undergrowth in the lane beside the house. The reason: he had scented a comatose ferret curled up in the snow under a bush, on the verge of hypothermia. It was a tame pet escaped from its home at the other end of the road. Unfound, it would probably have perished by morning. Bentley was the hero of the night for finding it. He has earned his stretch.

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