Strange Day ..

Reasonably Ok morning, I went out & took some pictures of the garden as there is more & more interest out there. The snowdrops particularly look fab and the raindrops in the honeysuckle leaves was also quite photogenic.

Then it hailed like hell !.

As we went to SMH it hailed double the amount previously and as I got into the car the police helicopter was hovering which made me think something was going on...the roads were ok but a lot of standing water around and a bit of slow moving traffic.

When I got home Merly was sat on the doormat looking very wet. We got in & I had to chase him around the kitchen trying to get him dry. I have sustained a few extra scratches but in the end he loved it & is now asleep in his basket.

I must do a couple of little jobs & then I think the sofa will beckon.

The sun is shining now...

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