Gade Avem

By Mor

The most fun night... while driving home after a night out with abs friends, we decided at the last minute that we weren't ready to retire. We headed to the most notorious club ab had heard of. Pretty sober and dressed normally, it was hilarious entering this flourescently lit club where people were intensely dolled up and out of control. (Side note- over the whole trip I didn't see any people with curly hair or meet any jews. Coincidentally everyone asked us if we were sisters or even twins.) We got our old dancing groove on until the wee hours of the morning on a flashing color dance floor (which was full of all sorts of wild characters, and cowboy boots). In between Beyoncé and pharel there were spontaneous bouts of square dancing which I'm proud to say we got pretty good at (scratch that off the bucket list)! 

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