River of Flowers

By doffy


This lovely rosemary is a gift from the Sailor and Jo - it's in flower and smells wonderful. It's sheltering in the greenhouse until the weather gets a little milder and less windy.

I waved the youngsters off mid-morning as they set off back to the metropolis, it was a long drive but they have arrived safely.

My day was catching up on the laundry, lovely drying day with all the wind but a tad chilly. I also carried out more minor repairs on the greenhouse, a couple of panes of glass had slipped and needed repositioning. Too cold to spend too much time outdoors though.

I spent a couple of hours making jewellery and starting on a new project which I will talk about in a few weeks time! The jigsaw is finished and may get blipped in a few days time.

Message to my neighbour C : Jim the Cat was spotted walking though the garden just as dusk was falling, he looks fit and well :-)

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