fleeting visions

By eyeGillian

Pet therapy

Ah, to be a cat -- to spend the day in leisure, calmly observing the world, interrupted only by grooming, napping, playing and eating!

However, not being a cat, I know the difference between relaxation and lethargy. I have been off work for 8 weeks now, with several months to go, and I can feel my energy disappearing, my ambitious plans and resolutions beginning to crumble. Sometimes I just drag through the day, accomplishing only a fraction of what I had planned. Today was one of those days.

On days like this, I am so grateful to live with pets, never judgemental, always glad to curl up beside me or play. Watching Fergus sprawl in sleep, tongue sticking out, or Cuca stretching languorously (between delicate nibbles on a house plant) or Cai grinning at me with his favourite rubber bone waiting at my feet -- I realize yet again that it is a gift to be here, to be loved.

And yes, I suppose I have a mild case of the February blues, which I have been trying hard to resist. Today I'm feeling draggy, but I know tomorrow is a new day. And it's only a few days until March, only a few weeks until spring returns. Hold on!

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