Wave Front

Tiny Tussock reporting.

Don’t panic big T is fine but today’s little adventure was potentially a bit hairy ( she has lots of that) for her as it involved attaching Jato bottles to a bike and launching it from a hill in Lismore park and The Boss was worried that T might have accidently got in the way and had her curls singed so she stayed home with The Bossess.
The launch was a total success so you should pop over to acyclinggranny and catch Granny Poppins breaking the sound barrier.
Yes she does look a bit grim but wouldn’t you?
She did offer to have me in the front basket but The Boss declined on my behalf on health and silliness grounds.

There was a beaut front developing as we were setting up the ramps so The Boss grabbed this shot while the going was going.

5...4...3...2.....Er what comes after 2??

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