Assisted feeding!!

Before we left Christchurch this morning we spent a couple of hours at the Antarctic Centre, near the Airport. A very educational and informative centre, with some very “special” residents!!

They have 20 rescued penguins, who have disabilities and age related conditions!! They have not been released, as they would not survive if they were put back into the sea. The eldest is a 23 yr old female who has a 6 yr old boyfriend!!! “Toy boys” do exist amongst this species as well!!

The little one in the blip has swallowing problems so is hand fed in this manner. If you look on large you will see the fish in her mouth. I say “she” because her tag is on the right flipper. Males have them on the left flipper.

The others are either fed in the water or are hand fed without being touched. I chose this photograph so that you see the relative size of these penguins, they are tiny!!

Next stop Kaikoura!! The weather was beautiful with clear blue skies and bright sunshine.

Checked in to the motel, sorted out our adventures for tomorrow and then worked out where we have to be at the predetermined times!!

A run (in the car) out to Point Kean to see the seals on the rocks and an assortment of birds (more photographs for flickr at some point in time), then food!!! We missed lunch in all the activities of the day, so I almost had space for the enormous serving of lamb!!!! Very tasty!!

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