From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG

Evening at the arcade

Time to kill in Letchworth between an afternoon at the office and an evening trustee meeting. I think somebody saw me take this - must have thought I was mad!

Slightly cross that a beautiful sunny day produced a slightly weird shot in the dark, but hey ho.

Came home, very late, to find that Little G had been set some homework to write a postcard explaining who he was and something about his family. He had written:

"I live in [xxx]. My mummy is a translator. She turns German into English."

While that's not strictly true, yet, I have to say it feels so much better than his description of me a while ago as being "just a wife"... Besides, if my son thinks it's true, maybe it is true after all! :-D

(Apparently, Mr G had to explain that a "translator" is not quite the same thing as a "transformer", which was his first choice of term - I suppose it would have given his teachers a giggle though!!)

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