Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

at last... smiley little dude returns!

The grey cloud over little dude's mood has finally lifted and his smile has returned!!!
Many happy moments after school today. This isn't the clearest of the photos taken, nor the textbook cutest (a smug grin, and a milkshake), but it's the manic smile and frantic cuddling of my arm with his head on my lap that I just love. My little dude is my little dude again... But only until next weekend, for on March 8th he turns seven, which is apparently the difference/turning point between little boy and big boy. *sigh* The birthday countdown is on, and the excitement is building - for him, anyway. I'm not ready to let go of little boy... I'd barely resigned myself to the fact he is a little boy not a baby.

And now I am killing the absurd hours of night (currently 2:20am) because I need to leave home at 5am for an 8am interstate flight, so I'm pulling an all nighter. Waking up at 3am for a coffee, a shower, another coffee, breakfast and one more coffee is just asking for murder. I can snooze on the way to the airport, at the airport or on the flight (if I'm not having a nervous breakdown).

Tomorrow's blip will be brought to you from Adelaide.

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