
By SueScape

Gold at the end of the Sainsbury Rainbow....

I don’t often shop at Sainsbury’s but today I had a specific purchase to make, and found this map carved in marble tiles outside Sainsbury’s, Chichester. Gold at the end of the Sainsbury rainbow (well I guess they make enough profit), indicating all the stores in the area.

More to my liking are the lovely villages around Chichester Harbour – Emsworth, Bosham and Itchenor which have all featured in my journal. You can see just how sheltered are the reaches of the Harbour, up by Bosham and Emsworth. What it doesn’t show is the large shifting sand bar at the entrance to the Harbour by West Wittering. If this shifts too much and disintegrates sufficiently, the whole of the villages and low lying land (much of it reclaimed) will be at risk. What we need is a Canute figure to stand where he stood a thousand years ago, though it didn’t do much good then, either.*

*Wiki has the story:
Henry of Huntingdon, the 12th-century chronicler, tells how Cnut set his throne by the sea shore and commanded the tide to halt and not wet his feet and robes.

"Yet continuing to rise as usual (the tide) dashed over his feet and legs without respect to his royal person. Then the king leapt backwards, saying: 'Let all men know how empty and worthless is the power of kings, for there is none worthy of the name, but He whom heaven, earth, and sea obey by eternal laws.' “

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