Mmmmmm mummy

I have had a good day today. I was up at a reasonable time 8am I then had a nice leisurely breakfast, before playing with my sister before she left for school.

I had a surprise visit from my friend Ruaridh. We sat and watch tv , before we had a little play before he went home. Mummy still isn't feeling 100% so daddy took me out for a long walk.

We went to the bank and the shops. I charmed everyone of course, waving and smiling. I had a lovely lasagne lunch before going for a nap. Mummy had to wake me up as I was still sleeping an hour and a half later.

Tonight I face times grandma and grandad. I kept pointing at them then me. It was great to see them on the iPad. I was blowing them kisses and doing some actions to twinkle twinkle.

Tonight my teeth are very sore. One of my ears are very hot too. So some teething liquid, ibuprofen and cuddles then bed times. I was up once then back down. Hopefully I will get a good night,

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