Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit

Lady of the Woods

I'm grateful for the early darkening at the moment because people keep lending me such good books to read and I can't quite allow myself to read in daylight. I'm currently transfixed by Plant Spirit Wisdom which I almost ripped out of Mark's hands in excitement last weekend. Thank you Mark, I'll return it soon I promise. It's a beautiful journey into the Celtic Shamanic tradition of healing and every word resonates deeply with me.

My training in flower and gem essences was largely indoors and I offer consultations and meditation in sacred space indoors. However I have a deep need to connect with nature more in my work the way the Celtic healers of old would have done.

Today a blissfully gorgeous day in nature falling in love over and over again with birch trees. Really seeing them on a new level, sensing their elegant femininity and grace, stroking the bark. I found myself wondering if birch is my favourite tree of all time and then realised I don't need to choose a favourite but it was certainly today's favourite. I know it as a flower essence but today I journeyed into the spirit of the entire tree. I almost kissed it but stopped myself, self-conscious of the umbrella sheltered ladies who watched me as I whispered words of love to the branches.

Plant Spirit Wisdom says that birch stands for purity, grace, love and new beginnings. It is the tree of Arianrhod, the Celtic Otherworld goddess who guards the Silver Wheel of the Heavens and who presides over the initiation of healers and seers.

Thank you for all the comments on Noah's blip yesterday, he's addicted already!

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