
By bekaboo

J is for

Day 422 - .... Jack. As in Jack and the Beanstalk, just one of the many extra curricular activities this working mother has to organise.

Nanna's been roped in to help make the beanstalk part of the costume for world book day next week. My contribution will be tacking the 'J' to a top and painting eggs gold.

The week after Mr J Sainsburys will be assisting with the cupcake making (plain pre made and carpet bombed with icing and sprinkles). Slummy mummy strikes again!

If only I could find a willing volunteer for the unbearable 'ladies coffee & cake' morning hosted by the children. Obviously the bright idea of someone with too much time on their hands (Grrr!)

Still the guilt of trying to do/have/endure it all means there's no way I'll let my boy be the only one without a 'guest'. Even if it means delay a meeting in the big smoke.

Despite all that today has been happy cos I've just inhaled a massiove glass of red and I see big dude tomorrow!

017 #100happydays

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