wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Hold my hand Daddy

Thanks everyone for your beautiful and touching comments on my Dad's illness. He seems to be doing better. He is a tough old bird and good Maine stock. At this point things look good.
I was sitting in his room watching the various this being done to him. Needles, nebulizers, pills.....
He has had so many treatments that he can't stop shaking. He has to be fed.
Get this, you can get a lobster roll for lunch as a patient at Maine Medical Center.
Who new?
Life rolls on regardless of what is happening in your life.
Believe it or not the hardest thing is remembering to eat. Dad has been on precautions so you have to wear a mask. Thought it was flu. Flu was negative phew ripped those masks off. Now I can eat while I visit him on my lunch hour.
Dad said we all looked like we were wearing pig snouts. And you wonder where I get it?
He also loves the nurses. The pretty ones.
88 going on 21.
I'll take that.

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