Views of my world

By rosamund


Every Night Is Followed By Sunrise

I can't begin to describe how good it felt to be back on the quayside watching the sunrise this morning. Something compelled me to do it all again so I set the alarm for 6.00am and was at India Quay for 6.47am giving me almost the full half hour before the sun rose above the horizon to watch the colours develop as I learned last year that if you wait for the sun to appear you don't always get the shot. I also learned that ducks fly close to the water, did you know that?

I had been swithering about whether it was utter madness to do this all again but the arts officer at work had arranged a series of Creative Conversations and last night I heard about an arts project that works with young people who have offended. One of them described his experience of photography through the project: " it's not about turning up with your camera and just going click, click click, it's about waiting and patience and that feeling you get when you get the shot, bam!" He pretty much summed up the joy of getting up at ridiculous o'clock every Friday, not to mention the giddiness I feel today knowing that some of you blippers will be smiling over your coffee this morning.

Happy Friday everyone, it's going to be a lovely day!

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