Jack James

By JackJames

After making the mistake of drinking an entire bottle of wine last night, I was paying for it dearly this morning. I made it up and out, banana in hand, to try and cure my head, and stooped my way towards arthur's seat, where I lay in the grass for a while. I carried on to the parliament, where I sampled my banana, and spent the next 10 minutes trying not to be sick on the grass in front of the tourists.

I eventually made it to a cafe, where I sat in the sun and had a coffee. This stayed down, and I made my way back home, suitability recovered to the point where food was becoming a good idea.

After lunch of some description, I met up with Rosie SJ to go climbing at the gym. I'd not been top-roping there yet, so it was good to have a look about!

I eventually made it to the geography building and did a few hours work before heading home. Meg, James and I watched Tom Ford's 'A Single Man' - a beautiful film, both in story and cinematography.

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