
By slategreynat

I was rather hoping for some snow this morning, as was forecast, but we have rain instead. However, these first daffodils coming into bloom in the churchyard provide a little spring cheer!

Today completes my first year on Blip! I'm so pleased to have made this landmark. It's been a great experience and challenge. Some days have been easy but those grey dark uninspiring days are where the challenge lies. But I guess it's those that make you see the world around you in more detail as you search for something vaguely interesting or representative of your day to take a picture of. Blipping every day has helped to see what inspires me in my daily life. I've enjoyed the creative exercise of taking a photograph every day, and without doubt my photography has improved a little as a result.
One of the unexpected highlights of Blip is 'meeting' fellow blippers, following their journals, and watching their personal photographic journeys unfold. Thank you for sharing and being part of my Blip world. I feel as though you have become real friends.

I'm very grateful to everyone's comments and stars - they have helped to keep me going to reach 365!

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