The Wilsons

By WendyWooWilson


JJ has been awake since 1 am this morning, and after almost 16 hrs of being awake (and happy) finally conked out. I walked out of the room to get something, and come back to find she has moved right down the bed and had fallen asleep.

Alex has a whole A4 page to read for handover notes today. One of the Drs asked if Alex was coming down this weekend and I said yes. 'Haven't seen hubby for ages' was the reply. 'No, neither have I!!!'

No news on the face front yet. But we have completely taken JJ off morphine. Another step closer to home..

She has been in an amazing mood today and so giggly. I even had next door comment on how nice it was for them to hear. They have been upset when shes been crying, so this was a great tonic for them too. I haven't even given it a thought on how the adult patients feel when they hear the kids cry. Its a shame that they are seperating the two next month, so the adults move to the Oncolgy unit up the road (I can just see it from our window) and then ward 34 and BMT are merging totally. Still not sure how that will work when we limit who comes into the ward. Time will tell I am sure.

We've had great support from James Hopkins Trust since we've been in and I can't thank them enough. You are amazing! We have also had support from the Rainbow Trust who come in a give you some time out. Both have been invaluable to my sanity!

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