0804 to Leeds


“That stuff about being able to feel each others pain is rubbish, we’ve never experienced it”
“Has there been a time when you’ve had a close connection though?”
“Often I’ll start a conversation topic, and our friends will be thinking ‘what are you talking about?’ but she’ll know what I mean. Even if it’s from something weeks before."

A first for the project today - twins!

As I walked past these two (Dani on the right, Kayleigh on the left) it was actually their dress co-ordination which triggered me to stop them, I hadn’t realised that they were twins.

“You’re twins...right?”
“Wow, it’s a rare opportunity indeed. Would you mind, don’t think I’ll ever get the chance again?”

And with that, I was taking their picture on a very busy side street. After the shoot, the girls commented that they rarely have their photos taken together, it’s just something they never do. I found that slightly amazing, especially in today's age of selfies and social media sharing.

I had plenty of questions to throw at them, especially concerning relationships, their own and with friends.

“How would you describe your relationship? Do you ever get sick of each other?”
“If we could, we’d spend all our time together. It’s like having a close, personal best friend, who’s also your sister. We help each other out, encourage each other. If there’s anything we can’t do, the other is there providing support. Of course, there are times when we’ve had a falling out but it’s never been serious or long.”

“Do you have similar personalities then?”
“Fairly. The main difference between us is that I’m soft on the outside, but hard on the inside, whereas she’s the opposite.”

“What about friends, do you have your own set?”
“Usually if I have a friend then they will end up becoming friends with both of us, we come as a pair!”

A nicer pair of strangers I haven’t met. I really enjoyed talking to them and they were more than happy to answer my questions and feed my curiosity - I think there is something magical about twins, not sure why :)

Have a good weekend!

Humans of Leeds

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