fleeting visions

By eyeGillian

A visit with Kathleen

I drove my parents out to the country this afternoon to visit my mum's sister Kathleen. Kathleen loves sweets, teddy bears, and people (not necessarily in that order). Her eyesight is now so poor that she can no longer do the fine embroidery that used to win her prizes, and can barely knit (her daughter dutifully picks up dropped stitches when she visits). Her hearing is failing as well, despite the hearing aids, and her balance is poor, so she has gotten used to taking the walker with her wherever she goes. She rarely leaves the house - but, remarkably, she is still in her house, with her extended family up and down the road taking care of every detail and looking in regularly. Kathleen and I share a birthday. I remember how much fun it was when I was turning 48 as she was turning 84.

Kathleen will be turning 98 in two weeks - long may she continue to enjoy life!

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