Sawdust Dog

Today was… sunny! Actually sunny! We took Archie up to Gifford for a walk. Walked for over an hour and a half and didn't see another sole. Perfect! It was a bit muddy, but Archie didn't mind and neither did our wellies. Believe it or not, it was pretty warm and I almost took my jacket off… until we walked in the shade and it was freezing! :)

This photo was after a few incidents. Firstly, Archie jumping head first into a River. After a nice swim, he was suitably wet. He then found a nice pile of sawdust (someone had been chopping a tree for firewood). So what does a soggy spaniel do when he's drenched? Go mental and roll about in the dry sawdust, that's what!

He ended up looking like this, with sawdust all interwoven through his hair. What a toerag!

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