My Beautiful Girl

Hi Tom

Just look at how beautiful Maisie is. She deserves a medal for all she puts up with from Oscar.

He follows her everywhere and copies her every move. Then when he wants her attention he tries to bite her neck or her ears. She is so placid that she lets him get away with it. Luckily I don't and I won't have him hurting her. At least here she is having a bit of a break from him....but not for long!

Felt much better today. The body has stopped aching all over thank goodness. My throat is still sore but I guess that's from all the coughing. But at least I feel I'm on the mend which couldn't come quick enough.

I have a decision to I stop working on Saturdays or not. I'm truly fed up working on Saturdays. I don't get to spend much time with the family and if we go out I'm usually tired and we are always late. Problem is I get very good money for working on Saturdays. Money isn't everything though. I have to decide soon....I'm not very good at decision making.

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