
By Bob20

Starling murmuration, Cavendish Mill, Derbyshire

Thank you for your comments on my panorama of London. I am now back at home in Derbyshire having spent two weeks at our home in London laying 100 square metres of Canadian Maple flooring. It was hard work and I must learn to let the professionals do the jobs as I ache everywhere!!! I’m just getting too old.

I heard of this Starling murmuration just down the road to us. I had never seen one before and it was certainly stunning. Estimates put this gathering at 250,000 or more birds. A shame the tree is not in the right place, but it was all very quick:))

The shot isn’t brilliant by any means, so I will have to go back and have another go.

My apologies for not having replied to your comments left by you lovely people on my last blip. I do read every single one, but at the moment, I just don’t have enough hours in the day to do all my jobs. I need my wrists slappingâ˜ș

I have put a couple more shots here:

Starling murmuration

They are less dramatic but possibly give a better impression of the scene.

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