My Aim is True



Only seemed fair to blip this, what with all the publicity about this.

I wish I'd blipped LadyFindhorn this morning, but she was passed in a hi-viz blur before I could whip out my camera.

It's very windy tonight. However that means that the neighbourhood cats have stopped that bloody racket. (I am expecting that the back greens will soon be full of kittens.

However that noise would be preferable to Bonnie Tyler's caterwauling through Total Eclipse of the Heart (apologies, I am sure that I have linked to this before). Which my neighbour is playing. ( I always thought that only swingers and people who owned caravans would listen to Bonnie. Actually I always assume that people that own caravans are swingers......

Anyway, I've had a great idea, and I'm off to run it by you over on the forums...

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