PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

Bridled Tern

Onychoprion anaethetus

A lifer for me today! They were in their hundreds (if not thousands?) on Penguin Island today. They will leave the island soon, although I'm not sure where they head to from there. They use the island as a breeding ground and whilst most of the chicks are now fledged and flying around with the adults we did come across several nests with downy fluffball chicks being fed by their parents still.

Other highlights from today's birding outing include an eastern reef egret, grey plover (lifer), little eagle, bar-tailed godwits, a little eagle and several families of fairy terns at different locations. On Penguin island we also saw a sea lion basking on the shore, having a break from the main colony on nearby Seal island and got a brief look at a King Skink (bum shot only!). Sadly no little penguins to be found, but still a great day out!

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