
As with Rhinopetalum in my previous blip, Juno is a Genus name that is favoured by Russian botanists. Generally known as Iris aucheri this species hails from Northern Iraq, southeastern Turkey, northern Syria, western Iran and Jordan. It is easy, hardy, and vigorous, preferring sun and well drained soil, dry in summer.

The Junos make up the largest group of bulbous irises with something around 60 species. Officially the subgenus 'Scorpiris', they form a natural group characterized by their bulbs which are somewhat fleshy and have from a few to several thick, also fleshy storage roots. The leaves are opposite in a flat array; but once seen, easily recalled being somewhat leek-like! The flowers too share some general characters such as small standards. Normally erect in most iris, here they are frequently nearly absent or small and pendant.

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