
Its another Joey blip tonight, I'm afraid.

It was either this or a shot of my new printer*. I think this is preferable.

*You can imagine how pleased I was at 10 o'clock last night when my previous printer just sat there flashing its twinkly lights at me, but steadfastly refusing to print anything. Just twinkling. Its going to the tip tomorrow. That'll teach it to twinkle at me.

/edit. Ooh, the 1 year ago thumbnail reminds me. I finally got around to putting a roll of Ilford HP5 through the Bronica a while ago. There are a couple of shots from that session on flickr -

Mannanan / Pigeon Man

Museum of Liverpool

I love the rough graininess it produced. The camera's by no means perfect (there's a mark near the top left on all of the shots), but it doesn't really matter. It has a great feel to it.

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