Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

Parting is such sweet sorrow.

Excuse the horrible photo. He was not feeling well. I was not feeling well. And we were both dreading the fact I would be leaving again in 15 minutes.

That is our painful realitiy. I go back just to leave him again. This is what happens when you make the mistake of falling for a decade long friend who lives interstate.
The wonders of technology meant that two teenagers could remain in contact after meeting while the female half of the pair was on holiday interstate. The wonders of technology meant that the teenagers could organise to catch up a few years in a row when the female went back. The wonders of technology meant they could remain in contact as they seemed to take very different paths in life, but their friendship never faltered. The wonders of technology meant that we were both idiots and fell for each other despite the 500 miles between us - it is so easy to get emotionally invested when there are so many easy and gun ways to stay in touch. The wonders of technology mean that I can easily visit at no expense, because I have so many accumulated frequent flyer points I can pay for trips with said flyer points.

The visits have been good even though last time I was a very unwell woman, and this time we were both not in fine form. But the last few hours are impossibly painful, knowing that we won't be seeing each other again for a while... Insted of making the most of the last few hours, we basically just curled up in silence. And then suddenly realised we had a lot to say when I needed to start packing up. We have a longer wait between visits this time - holding out til the first weekend of May. Being super cheesy, because my birthday is May 5th, so seeing him will be my birthday present.

We both think it would be easier on us if we stopped talking for a bit so that we can get over the rather inconvenient emotional attachment a bit, because it really does tear our hearts up being apart. It hurts like hell only getting a few days. And the goodbyes are devastating. But we both think that if we can get through this year, one of us will relocate for the other.

Until then... I will go back just to leave him again... And again... And again... Andagain.

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