Dribbling Duck

It felt good to sleep a little later today. I have been having a hard time falling asleep the past few nights so I appreciated the extra Zzzzs. Since snow has been forecast for later today, we got out and ran some errands after breakfast. First stop was at the Office Depot for a new desk chair for me since one of the wheels broke off my current chair and I was balancing on just three wheels for over a week now.

After that store, it was a stop at the Home Depot for light bulbs. It seems after a long winter that light bulbs just start going one after another. Following that, it was a visit to the grocery store to get a few things in case we really do get a lot of snow tonight and tomorrow. Afterwards it was a search for a blip. The lake had started to thaw somewhat and I found these ducks standing on the ice near an opening in the water and having a drink. I like how I managed to catch the water dripping from the one ducks bill. Even though it was cold out it felt so good to get some fresh air. I walked along the lake for a little while just to extend my visit before having to get back in the car.
Tonight everyone is home for dinner and then it will be a relaxing evening watching some TV. The snow has started already so by this time tomorrow we will see just how much snow will have accumulated out there. Up to 8 inches are expected. Less would be preferable!

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