
By joe_cool


If you noticed the background of yesterday's blip, you have seen lupins. Today we stole a few. They are extraordinary, I've never seen so many different kinds of lupins. Different colours. I love lupins, I wish I had them in my yard.

Today is Leonard's birthday. Not Da Vinci but he's an artist just the same. We had a nice party at their place. Lots of food, lots to drink, late night, perfect ingredients for a hangover, or a "babbelas" in South African.

Ag shame! We had a good time!

It's also Emily's birthday very soon... the day after tomorrow to be exact. So 3 friends are visiting. They put up a tent in the back yard. They had supper together while we were gone to Leonard and Brian's. Emily is going to be 13. She's a teenager now. She grew so much all of a sudden, she's not a little girl any more.

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