la " Mamarazzi"...

Two years ago ... Something happens in my life!!!
I discovered " blipfoto"....
I always love photographing ....
One of the " family joke" is to give me a nickname" Mamarazzi"!!!!!...
It is now quite a " discipline"!!!
Each day, sad or happy, with glorious blue sky or raining cats and dogs,I try to find something to share with you... ... "Alex and Adèle" , "The trio infernal"... " The magic marshes...." And i also want a photo telling a little story without words...
(You know that it is quite difficult for me to explain in english my feeling....)
And... i want to thank all of you! ....
Dear , " amis blipper" you are for me, in my " country life," a "wonderful gateway to the world...."

Today " Billie-Guillie after the rain" is my little star!!!
as you can easily imagine, she is waiting for the magic marshes!!!!


What's happens now?????

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