
We went to the camera Show at the NEC today. It’s always good to see the latest thing in cameras and lenses and to look at all the available gadgets and gizmos. I did feel a bit out of my depth amongst all the professional photographers and seasoned amateurs but I figured if I didn’t say too much I wouldn’t give myself away. I took this shot from up on one of the gantries set up for testing out new cameras. I sneaked my own camera up there and took a couple of shots. Can you see Igor looking up at me?

Apogee - The highest point in the development of something; a climax or culmination

The apogee of the trip was getting my camera cleaned and serviced by Olympus free of charge. They were offering this free service to anyone who had their Olympus camera with them at the show. Mine now looks like a brand new camera. Result!!

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